


Some Experiments In Elementary Education

AuthorNaseem Siddiqui

Publisher– Arya Book Depot

ISBN– 9788170635017



In the last four decades, I have done several experiments/research studies on enrolment, dropout rate and quality education at various levels. Some experiments in Elementary Education are given in this book.

(1) We are to enhance the understanding of comprehensive basics for ‘Quality in Teacher Education’ by:

(i) exploring alternatives in pre-service and in-service Teacher Education Programmes.

(ii) focussing on possibilities that revitalize the Curricular, Pedegogic and Research practices in the context of changing needs of the school system.

For this two studies were conducted giving positive results:

“Increasing enrolment, Decreasing drop-out rate and Increasing achievement level of children from minority groups in MCD schools; some experiments (1983-89)” (Chapter 4)

“How to Teach Physics (Science) at School Level” (Chapter 7)

(2) The in-service programmes by and large cater to the capacity building of teachers, while professional development of other practitioners in Education viz. the administrators (Director, Deputy Director, Assistant Director, School Inspector etc.) and school Principals, have largely been left out. We do have the national apex body NIEPA but we do not have the corresponding bodies at the state and lower level.

For this, the following study was conducted, with positive results. “Professional Training of School Principals for Reforming School Education” (Chapter 9).

(3) “For the qualitative improvement of education, a sound programme of professional education of teachers is essential”. (Education Commission 1964-66)

With a focus on the universalisation of Elementary Education (UEE), the teacher education system quantitatively expanded but the qualitative dimension of teacher education programmes has received marginal attention. Over the years, the significant initiatives taken to strengthen teacher education go back to the recommendation under NPE (1986) wherein, under the centrally sponsored schemes of MHRD, District Institutes of Education & Training (DIETs) were established under the supervision of State Councils of Educational Research & Training (SCERTs) to strengthen elementary level teacher education.

Weight 360 g
Dimensions 22 × 15 × 2 cm


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