The school is an institution where the future citizens of India are made. The schools are modern temples of God. School is not a mere centre of teaching learning and it is dwelling place of Almighty to develop the students into world level citizens with good character and values.
School is a replica of the society. It satisfies the objectives and aspiration of the society. It works like a rudder and guides the society. There are changes going on the school system according to changes that are happening from time to time in the society. In 21″ Century the schools are not restricted to only school education and they are the comprehensive systems for enlightening the children in all aspects of life. So it needs to study the schools in multiple angles. This is to be done by all the people who are related to school and education and it is dire necessity to the teachers. The teacher education imparted by the Universities have included “School Organization and Management” as an obligatory subject from the beginning of Teacher Education Programme. The new syllabus is written according to the needs of the trainees who are seeking training in the Teacher Education Programme on the basis of review and revision made by the NCTE.
In this book, School Management, Organizational aspects, administrative aspects, concepts of schools, Universities available in our country, Headmaster of a school, duties and responsibilities, qualifications, training and competencies have been widely discussed. In the same analogy, the key points like universalisation of Primary and Elementary Education, Equity in Teacher Education, Quality Education and equal justice, are the salient features and their importance is thoroughly dealt with.
This book is not only useful to the trainees of D.Ed, B.Ed and M.Ed but also useful to the teacher educators, school headmasters and school teachers. We hope and expect that this book may attract the attention of the educational administrators.
We are very much indebted to Neelkamal Publication Pvt. Ltd., Managing Director, Sri Suresh Chandra Sharma for giving this opportunity for writing this book.
We hope that our work will get the affectionate support from the trainees of Student Teachers, Teacher Educators. School Teachers and all the people related to Education system.
We invite suggestions and refinements to make it more standard and effective one in the school education system…
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