Recommended for Course:-
- D.I.E.T (2nd Year)
- D.EL.Ed (2nd Year)
- JBT (2nd Year)
Psychological Perspectives of Education S.K. Mangal, Shubhra Mangal
Educational Psychology is defined as the “Science of Education”. In its such a meaning, this special branch of the subject of psychology may be seen to help education in its planning and management in the way as done by scientifically enriched technology in our day-to-day life. In the classroom situation, it helps the teacher in his teaching and learners in their learning in a most desirable and effective way. In context to school education it can thus be seen to make efforts for seeking integration and co-ordination between teaching and learning; behaviour modification and process or factors of bringing such modification etc. This type of role played by educational psychology in the field of the teaching-learning can appropriate help the teachers in getting acquainted with the nature and learning of their students, associating them with guidance and counseling of their students with the identification of their student’s behavioral problems and fulfilling their responsibilities towards their students in an inclusive setup by taking care of their different abilities. It is quite essential for the teachers to get them properly acquainted with this useful and worthwhile the face of educational psychology. For realizing this objective Government of Delhi, in its teacher preparation course of the elementary stage, has introduced “Psychological Perspectives of Education” as a compulsory paper. The present text is intended to meet the requirements of this course.
How far it will prove its worth, the judgment will surely lie with its readers. However, as the author, we have the obligation to specify some of its basic features as below.
• It has been strictly written according to the needs of the contents
and topics discussed in the syllabus. • The style as well as language adopted for presentation is simple and easy to grasp by the average reader.
• A prior knowledge about the contents of each chapter has been provided in the shape of the chapter outlines well before the very beginning of the chapter.
• The study questions (Essay and Short Answer Types) have been
given at the end of each chapter for helping the students in the
the task of proper comprehension, revision, and self-evaluation.
• Upto date references and suggestions for further study in the matter related to each and every chapter have been given at the end of the text for serving the desired needs of students as well as teacher educators.
Hoped that the text in its present form would to able to serve the interests of those for whom it is being written, w express our gratitude to all those who, in one way or the other, has helped us in this venture. Our special thanks are due to those writers and publishers whose work has been utilized by us in the presentation of this text. Their references given side by side and also at the end of the text would certainly help those who intend to go deep into the subject.
Any suggestion for its improvement will be highly appreciated and
thankfully acknowledged. With warm wishes to its readers.
Independence Day August 15, 2015
– S.K. Mangal
– Shubhra Mangal
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