



ICT Mediation in Teaching Learning

Author: A. Ramakrishna, M. Sujatha, Arjumand Ara

Publisher: Neelkamal

ISBN: 9789386725714



SKU 9789386725714 Categories , , , ,


Now, teacher education program intends to create teachers as reflective practitioners. So, a holistic approach is recommended for curriculum transaction. Special impetus is laid to enhance professional competencies of teachers in the areas of developing self, teaching learning through ICT, drama and art, and more specifically reflective readers.

This piece of work titled ‘ICT Mediation in Teaching Learning’ is the result of our observations over more than a decade, observations which have enriched our use of technology in and outside the educational setting. We made an effort to develop competencies of infusing ICT techniques during internship and also promote ICT in their (student teachers) learning.

When we began teacher education programme (two decades ago) we were naïve, and when we found out how naïve we were, we started to get critical. That’s how we discover latent competencies and through reflection attain significance.

Readers (teacher educators and student teachers) need to be clear that the technology itself provides only the raw materials for enhanced educational strategies, and everything depends on how you plan for and use these powerful devices. This is to mean that “it can make good teaching even better, but it cannot make bad teaching good”.

This leads us to the controversy called “Clark-Kozma debate- whether the media are simply a vehicle for supporting good teaching methods or whether the media in themselves enhance learning.”

Further more, in our experience as teacher educators and administrators, using technology in classroom and for administrative purposes, we have accumulated a comparative level of technological competence that challenged us in our life.

From these pages, we hope to update you (readers) on the matters of mediating technology in academics and later in your life or vice versa.

Here we would like to express our gratitude to the supporting staff and publisher for the encouragement they gave us throughout this piece of work.

We welcome suggestions and comments from the teacher educators and student teachers for further refinement and improvement of this book.

– Authors

Weight 380 g
Dimensions 24 × 16 × 2 cm


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