



Universalisation Of Elementary Education Policies And Programmes

Author Damodar Mohapatra, Avaya Kumar Nayak

Publisher– Neelkamal

ISBN– 9789385877261



The Book entitled “Universalisation of Elementary Education: Policies and Programmes” is the outcome of a research project. The political will and the constitutional commitment relating to the Universalisation of Elementary Education have been clearly stated in the 1″ chapter of the book. The Government of India framed different policies and launched different innovative strategies from time to time to achieve the target through different State Government. The recommendations of NPE & POA 1986/1992, the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and Odisha Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2010 are landmarks in this endeavour.

The constraints in this respect have been spelt out and the measures already taken like National Curriculum Framework 2005, Preparation of Vision Document, 2020 in each State, Operation Blackboard Scheme, Mid-Day Meal programme, Inclusive Education, DPEP, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Education Guarantee Scheme have also been explained in detail in Indian context and Odisha perspective.

As the ambitious goals and the unrealistic time frame for achieving UEE, reiterated at regular intervals, not unoften, as rhetoric, are evident from the continuing shifting of the dateline, an attempt was made to collect the views of the parents, teachers, students, VEC members through different devices viz., observation schedule, reaction schedule and questionnaire relating to this issue. One 9-point attitude scale on Thurstone line has also been developed by taking the views of experts in the field of Psychology, Education and Home Science and ultimately the reliability of the scale has been examined and the scale has been administered on teachers.

The stepwise construction of the attitude scale has been reflected in the book. The research design adopted and explained in the book will help the future researchers in the field of Political Science and education to conduct further research in related areas. Moreover, the students of Education and Political Science will also be benefited. It will provide

Weight 440 g
Dimensions 25 × 15 × 2 cm


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