We are obliged to bring this textbook, which is specially designed for the
teachers, and students of B.Ed. and M.Ed. This book is based on the current syllabus of
B.Ed. which U.G.C prescribes. This text covers a wide range of important
areas of education. This text is prepared on new contents of this subjects. The
content of this text-book is of very high quality and will be helpful in finding the
answers of the problems related to this field. It will help in the qualitative
improvement and educational progress of the future teachers and scholars. The
subject-matter of this text-book has been presented sequentially, judicially and
logically in very simple language to avoid the confusion of abstracts terms that are
often used in the treatment of philosophical and sociological, psychological theories
of education which in term minimize the understanding of the content of this
textbook. First of all we would like to express our deep sense of gratitude to the Almighty God, whose benevolence gave us strength and courage to finish this text-book in time for the readers.
We wish to acknowledge our humble thanks to all those eminent authors and publishers whose creations have been consulted, quoted and from when we have borrowed so professionally in writing this textbook.
The ultimate aim of this textbook is to make the teaching-learning process effective and interesting. Finally, we have to thank our publisher, Mr. Vinay Rakheja Ji for keeping faith with us and for his untiring efforts in publishing the textbook with so great enthusiasm.
The authors shall feel highly obliged to the readers and their valuable suggestions that will help in the further modification and improvement of this text-book.
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