‘Sociological Perspectives of Education’ is a core paper in B.Ed. Curriculum not just in Telangana State but also other Indian Universities and the objective is to train/prepare student teachers for deep understanding of the Sociological Perspectives on Education. Socialization, Culture and Education, Social Change. Equality, and Contemporary Issues in Education. The syllabus of this book is divided in to Five Units. Each unit provides deep insight for making student teachers profound and adopt in building of the knowledgeable and constructive society.
The authors have been made efforts towards presenting this book in a simple and effective language. All attempts have been made to include the contemporary issues, contemporary education on society. current practices and principles of Sociological Perspectives of Education. This book is primarily designed to cater the needs of Student Teachers. Besides, it are also serves as a source book for Teacher Educators and who is in the field of Education and Social workers, Social Agencies. Social Organizers and Administrators.
Unit-I is on Introduction to Sociology of Education, and deals with meaning, definition, nature, and scope of Sociology. It also focuses on the co-relationship between Sociology and Education.
Unit-II discussed process and forms of social interaction. This unit also highlighted the Socialization and its methods of Socialization. The student teachers in future will be able to practice/feel that school community and family are the crucial beliefs and custom, etc.
Unit-III is on the Social Change and Education, the unit discussed how its deals with the factors of Social Change and also how its impact on Education. The Modernization sub-topic highlighted the attributes and role of Education in Modernization. The relationship of Education with Social Stratification is described. This unit also focuses on Education for Democracy in the Emerging Indian Society.
Unit-IV deals with Equalization of Educational Opportunities. This unit highlighted the concept of Equality and Constitutional Provisions for
Equality and also covers the measures taken by Central and State Govelliments in the Equalization of Educational Opportunities. This unit also discussed elaborately on Gender Issues and Girl Child Education,
Unit-V deals with Contemporary Issues in Education. This unit intends not only to enlighten the student teachers, teacher educators and others who are in the field of Education on Contemporary Issues in Education, i.e. Economics of Education. National and Emotional Integration, International Understanding and Peace Education.
The authors, therefore, hope that this book will be received well by all the Student Teachers, Teacher Educators and Practising Teachers and who are in the field of Education and Social workers, Social Agencies, Social Organizers and Administrators, etc.
We express our gratitude to Dr. M. Sujatha, Principal, St. Alphonsa’s College of Education, Hyderabad, in improving and revising this book.
At this time, we record our sincere thanks to Mr. Suresh Chandra Sharma, Managing Director, Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-Hyderabad for his constant motivation and great support to write this book.
Any suggestions to improve the contents of this book will be gratefully acknowledged.
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