This piece of work entitled, ‘Sociological Foundations of Education’ is designed to fulfil the needs of the Teachers educators and the students.
Education takes place in society constituted of individuals. It is a social process. It has a social function as well as social relevance. A school is created by the society and the society is shaped and moulded by the school. Thus, education is both a cause and product of society. It originates in the society and it must fulfil the needs and aspirations of the society. There is thus an intimate relationship between education and society. Modern education has two-fold functions. It must help in individual development as well as social progress. An individual can only develop in the right direction in social environment. Education helps to solve the multifarious social problems.
This book consists of 5 units
Unit I emphasizes on the meaning and relationship between
sociology and education, it also throws light on the agencies of socialization
and the role of the teachers and impact on education.
Unit II notes about the culture and education, its meaning and characteristics. It also speaks about the dimensions and role of education in preservation, transmission and promotion of culture.
Unit III speaks on the social change, factors responsible, concept and attribution of modernization, social stratification, social mobility and social networking.
Unit IV highlights about Democracy and Education, Equality and equity, Preamble of the constitution in relation to education and role of the teacher in strengthening democracy.
Unit V climaxes Education and National integration, Programmes to promote National Integration and International understanding, Peace education and Social Crisis and its management.
The authors, therefore hope that this book which is very informative on the subject will be well received by all students teachers, teacher
educators and practicing teachers who are concerned with the Sociological Foundations of Education subject in the country.
We hope that this book will give a comprehensive knowledge input to the teacher trainees for understanding the other concepts included as per the syllabus structure. We expect that the material of this book enrich the knowledge of the trainees to the expected levels. We believe that this book is very useful not only to the teacher trainees but also to the teacher educators and other people who are interested in Education and Teacher education Programmes.
We are very much thankful to Sri Suresh Chandra Sharma, Managing Director, Neelkamal Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-Hyderabad, who is always concerned with the quality of the content, presentation and production of books on education with his keen interest, dedication and personal attention.
We feel happy to entertain any suggestions and additions for refinements of this book and all such modification will be taken care of in the next issue of the book.
– Authors
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