Pedagogy Of School Subject Mathematics
ISBN: 9788193335703
It is by the Grace and Blessings of the Almighty God that the writing of this book has reached its stage of completion. I bow my head to him for his mercy.
Teaching of mathematics in schools can be viewed as a partnership between the pupil, the teacher, the curriculum and the classroom. The teachers who teach mathematics, the pupils learn mathematics, a curriculum framework wherein teaching and learning occur and a place where teaching and learning are all necessary links in the process of mathematics education. Each has its distinct and vital role in the teaching-learning process. The present book is written around these links in the process of teaching mathematics.
There are quite a number of renowned books not only on the general fields of mathematics teaching but also on specific aspects of the teaching of mathematics. The present book is a humble effort to eradicate weaknesses that have been realized by both teacher educators and teacher trainees from time to time in the teaching of mathematics. The content of the book is presented sequentially, in the simplest possible language.
At the very onset, the author is indebted to all eminent writers, thinkers, educationists and publishers whose works have been consulted and incorporated in the making of this book. They are persons who floated the original ideas and helped to get it is better take-off, without whom the present piece of work could not have been completed successfully. I feel short of words to express my deep sense of gratitude and thanks to the earlier writers, educationists and publishers, who have shaped and moulded my thoughts in the writing of this book.
The present book is an attempt to organize the subject matter of B.Ed. courses of different universities. It will be helpful not only to B.Ed. Students but also to the in-service-teachers, teacher educators, researchers and other students of teacher-training institutions.
The related topics and concepts have been discussed in detail and in an interesting manner. Besides, some innovations like, IT and computers in mathematics teaching, resource planning, construction of test items and professional growth and ethics of mathematics teachers have been dealt with lucidly. Unlike other books, the author has presented the content of Algebra, Arithmetic and Geometry teaching
indifferent chapters in required places instead of dealing with them reportedly chapters.
From the point of view of convergence of teacher trainees, researchers and mathematics teachers the summary is presented at the end of each chapter. There are a number of questions and exercises in the book which include both essay as well as objective type items. Thus the book has been written to help teachers and students understand the methodology of teaching of mathematics in a systematic and effective manner. The content of the book covers the requisites of the students of B.Ed. classes from most of the Indian Universities.
I am extremely beholden to my respected father Shri R.P. Kulshrestha and his wife Mrs. Neer Kamal Kulshrestha who have been a pillar of strength in my work all through. My daughter, Abhilasha and son Ayush deserve special thanks for putting up so sensibly with my inevitable negligence of their indispensable needs. The author also expresses his sincere gratitude to a number of worthy friends, colleagues,
students and well-wishers for their valuable suggestions, cooperation
and moral support. Thanks are also due to the publisher for bringing
out this book timely and in good shape.
The author expects that the pupil-teachers and teacher educators will welcome and appreciate this book as it covers all the topics of teaching mathematics, which will certainly be beneficial to them. Comments and suggestions of recipients for further improvement of the book will be gratefully accepted.
-Prof. Arun Kumar Kulshrestha
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