Here comes the new and the latest edition of the book on “Teaching of English’ named ‘PEDAGOGY OF ENGLISH’ which is strictly in accordance with the recently prepared new syllabus on the subject under the guidelines provided by NCTE. The book contains Twenty Seven chapters which cover the syllabus fully. Keeping the requirement of needy learners, one additional chapter titled ‘Remedial English and Enrichment Programme’ has been added to the book. Surely a lot of improvement has been made in the subject matter that ever was available earlier. The author feels happy in writing the book in understandable language and effort is always there to support the material by drawing examples from day-to-day life situations.
The undersigned feels indebted to the Principals and Assistant Professors/Associate Professors teaching the subject to the teacher trainees who always give due recognition to the books penned down by him. The Publisher of the book Shri Harvinder Singh deserves all the praise because his work based on sincerity, honesty and dedication to the cause of education always fetches him applause from different corners. So good and so nice of him.
Any suggestion for further improvement of anything in the book will be welcome and the same will be acknowledged with thanks.
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