All professionals in all areas of education need to possess measurement and evaluation knowledge and skill. That is why measurement and evaluation course is a basic requirement for undergraduate education major, postgraduate course in education B.Ed, M.Ed and M.Phil courses. Years of classroom experience have shown me that there is a dearth of texts which are suited to the curriculum framework on the subject. There are great many foreign publications on the subject, but none which satisfactorily meets the requirements of our students. This text is, therefore, meant to fill this gap.
The book has been written with a specific purpose of providing up-to-date knowledge of the theory and in-depth understanding of the procedures, tools and techniques of measurement and evaluation. The book consisting of four parts is sub divided into 25 chapters.
Part-I of the book deals with measurement concepts and techniques. The purpose of chapter 1-8 included in this part is to provide an introductory course on different concepts, techniques and approaches of measurement in the field of psychology and education.
In Part-II different types of tests used in psychological testing are discussed. The goal of Part-II is to acquaint readers with a wide range of psychological tests, such as, intelligence tests, Aptitude tests, Personality tests, Attitude tests and Interest inventories with sufficient examples.
Teachers and educational administrators frequently have to use the results obtained from different types of psychological test. However, certain types of specific tests are developed for use in educational context. These are educational tests. Educational tests, usually, measure the outcomes of specific learning experiences. It is with these tests the Part-III of this book is concerned.
Every type of measurement and evaluation involves analysis and interpretation of results. Test results in psychology and education do not bear any meaning unless some kind of statistical treatment is given to them. It requires familiarity with the applied statistical techniques for analysis and interpretation of test results. The Part-IV of the book describes and explains those statistics most commonly used in educational and psychological measurement.
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