


Exemplar Guidelines For Implementation Of Early Childhood Care And Education (ECCE) Curriculum Framework


First Edition October 2015


January 2017

ISBN: 9789350073476


SKU 9789350073476 Categories , , ,


The first eight years of life are critical years of human life since the rate of development in these years is more rapid than at any other stage. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) makes a positive contribution to children’s lifelong development and learning by facilitating an enabling and stimulating environment. And, therefore, an appropriate curriculum is highly desired. Over the years, it has been observed that the ECCE curriculum transacted by most of the preschools or pre-primary centres in our country is not developmentally appropriate for young children.

The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD), Government of India, developed a National ECCE Policy and National ECCE Curriculum Framework in 2013 to promote quality and excellence in Early Childhood Care and Education and to bring about some uniformity by respecting diversity in child-rearing practices and contextual needs.

It has been broadly observed that the ECCE teachers and other stakeholders who are the main service providers in this regard, need guidance for effective implementation of the curriculum and, therefore, an “Exemplar Guidelines for Implementation of ECCE Curriculum Framework” have been developed to support and guide them.

I hope the teachers and other caregivers working with children below eight years will be able to interpret many of these ideas while implementing the curriculum, thus bringing joy and meaning to early childhood care and education. These guidelines would be continually reviewed and evolved in light of emerging needs and feedback received.

The effort of the team members, experts and the Department of Elementary Education, NIE, and NCERT in the development of these guidelines is highly appreciated and acknowledged.

March 2015

New Delhi



National Council of Educational

Research and Training

Weight 500 g
Dimensions 28 × 20 × 2 cm


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