Evaluation is relatively new technical term introduced to designate a more comprehensive concept of measurement that is implied in conventional tests and examinations. Measurement is a part of the process of livaluation. When we assign a score on a given task perforined by a learner, we are doing an act of measurement. When we compare this score with those of other learners and judge whether it is good/bad/average or satisfactory/unsatisfactory, we are doing the act of evaluation. Thus evaluation is a wider and more inclusive term than measureinent.
Science is a collection of observations and experiences about certain phenomenon intends to understand and to communicate precisely and objectively through the process of measurement. Mathematics and statistics are the universal languages which are easily and powerfully utilized by any science, its terminology is unlimited in numerals but well defined. The verbal language communicate approximately but not objectivity. The process of measurement assign the numerals to the trait and characteristics or a phenomenon accurately and objectively. It is inanipulated easily in thoughts. The objective description is called Measurement. It is a useful means to obtain precision and objectivity in the description.
Measurement has the focus to answer the three basic questions of behavioural sciences. What a person can do? Why a person can not do? and What a person will do? The answers of these questions relate to the functions of measurement prognosis, diagnosis and prediction. These functions are accomplished by developing prognostic tests for different traits, diagnostic test in attainment and aptitude tests.
An attempt has been made in this edition to elaborate the answers of these questions. It embodies twenty two chapters. Development of Measurement, Evaluation in Education, Taxonomy of objectives, Test construction, Item analysis, Reliability, Validity, Norms, Factor analysis, Measurement of intelligence, Achievement personality, Aptitude, Creativity attitude, Interest and values, Statistics. In the eighteenth chapter terms and concepts used in measurement and evaluation have been explained in brief. The selected formula used in measurement have been appended.
The author has consulted several books during teaching the course and preparing this script, and expresses my gratitude all sources which have been consulted directly or indirectly for the instructional sequence. The whole credit goes to my teacher Prof. K. P. Pandy who has introduced the concept and made me interested in the area Measurement and Research. I express may deep sense of gratitute to him.
R. A. Sharma
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