


Early Childhood Education Programme


First Edition March 1991

Revised Edition February 2009

Reprinted June 2019

ISBN: 9788174508393


SKU 9788174508393 Categories , , ,


The first six years of childhood constitute the most significant period in life, because this is the stage when the foundation is laid for the overall development of an individual, in terms of his/her motor, sensory, cognitive, language, social and emotional development. This is the period when the brain is developing at its fastest pace and research has shown us that if a child does not get a stimulating environment at this stage, the child is likely to lose out on developing to his/her full potential. ECCE is considered to be a crucial intervention for providing an enabling and stimulating environment to the child to ensure a sound foundation for both lifelong learning and development. It also contributes significantly to improvement in enrolment, participation and learning level of children in formal schooling. Research in ECCE has, however, indicated that its impact is greater if the curriculum followed is developmentally appropriate, child-friendly and flexible and balanced to cater to all- round development of the child’s personality.

The National Policy on Education-1986 acknowledged the importance of ECCE as the first step in the education ladder; but it also emphasised the need to make it joyful and child-centered. It categorically stated that there should be no formal teaching of the three Rs. i.e., reading, writing and arithmetic, at this early stage since children are not developmentally ready for it. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan has also recognised the importance of a play-based ECCE for achieving Universalisation of Elementary Education.

ECCE is one of the six services being provided under the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) of the Government of India, which is not being universalised. In addition, the private sector is the second largest provider of ECCE in the country, as is evident from the mushrooming of private nursery schools, kindergartens and preparatory schools, which were earlier confined to urban areas but are now moving steadily into rural areas as well. However, in the absence of any system of regulation

Weight 600 g
Dimensions 24 × 14 × 2 cm


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