



समावेशी विद्यालय की स्थापना | Creating an Inclusive School (Hindi)

Author: Dr Jaswant K. Virk, Dr Raminderjit Kaur, Dr Meenakshi Seetha

ISBN: 9789389673395

Publisher:  Twenty-First Century Publications


समावेशी विद्यालय की स्थापना | Creating an Inclusive School (Hindi)

ISBN: 9789389673395


Inclusive education in India is rather a novel endeavour which means the schools creating effective classroom functioning where the educational needs of all children including those with disabilities may be addressed. In well-developed countries like the USA, many excluded and marginalized groups of children labelled as “different” and “difficult” are getting special educational facilities in a successful way. But in India, such efforts for meeting the needs of SEN learners have proved cumbersome and the teachers and planners have faced many obstacles with regard to the realization of objectives of education. In fact, segregated special schools are the second-level alternative educational arrangement and it would be rather injudicious on the part of the nation, which is the world’s largest democratic secular republic, to marginalize and segregate those who need our more attention, understanding, empathic attitude and permissive environment for development and healthy living. Realizing this fact, more and more communities of the world are opting for an inclusive education pattern where all children can get education together and learn to live together.

This book provides comprehensive information about the fundamental

concepts of inclusive education which would cater for the academic needs of the students of B.Ed, M.Ed and M.A (education). It could also be helpful to professionals, experts, social workers, parents and all others who are affiliated with the welfare of physically and mentally disabled children. The simple, comprehensive and logical language is an important characteristic feature of this book. All concepts have been made as clear and vivid as possible, and where felt required these have been explained with the help of illustrations. It is hoped that this book will be useful for students, teachers and administrators.

We would like to make a special mention of our appreciation for Mr Harvinder Singh Randhawa and his whole team of Twenty-first Century Publications, Patiala, who did the laborious work of dealing with manuscripts with tender care and commitment to transform the material into a well-organized book form. Feedback regarding the subject matter of the book and suggestions for the improvement of its quality will always be welcomed and appreciated.



Weight 500 g
Dimensions 22 × 14 × 2 cm


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