This book titled “Content-cum-Pedagogy of Physical Sciences” is aimed at meeting the needs of two years B.Ed course from 2024-26 batches, though the book is written according to the new Two year B.Ed syllabus of paper III semester I curriculum of Osmania University and all the Telangana state universities. However this book is useful for other University students in the State of Telangana as well as Andra Pradesh. This syllabus is based on National Education Policy 2020, curriculum guidelines.
Teacher Education is a dynamic field, innovative thoughts and concepts always enter in the field example. The concept of peer teaching, team teaching, program learning or technology based learning, ICT based teaching, using web 2.0 tools, social media, Wikipedia etc. as per the National Education Policy 2020 emphasizes that children experience of school education with outside life of the school. so that learning experience is joyful having had this in mind, several opportunities are provided to students to construct their systematic knowledge by engaging them in activities, experiments, projects, field visits, discussion with students and teachers collecting information from different sources. The content in this book is distributed into 5 units namely,
Unit 1, Understanding Science and Scientific Inquiry. In this unit the students will be able to understand the nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry methods and appreciate the Science concepts. The teacher appreciate the contributions of the Scientists for betterment of the society
Unit 2, Deals with the Pedagogical Approaches at the Secondary Stage. After studying this unit, the students will develop their interest in learning Science and develop their attitude towards Science subject.
Unit 3, understanding teacher knowledge and learner background. After studying this unit, the students will develop their ways of nursing process skills creativity and aesthetic sense and developing scientific temper and pedagogical content and content knowledge and categories of teachers knowledge. Understanding the secondary stage learners physical, mental, social, emotional, psychological, conflicts and challenges.
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