



Content-Cum-pedagogy Of Mathematics

AuthorSathyanarayana G, G. Viswanathappa

Publisher– Neelkamal

ISBN– 9788197031472



It gives us immense pleasure to author of the book entitled “Content-cum-Pedagogy of Mathematics.” This book is aimed at meeting the needs of two years B.Ed course from 2024-26 batches, the book is written in view of the new Two years based syllabus of paper iv semester I curriculum of Osmania University and all the Telangana state and other state universities. However the book is useful for other University student in the state of Telangana as well as Andhra Pradesh. This syllabus is based on National Education Policy-2020, curriculum guidelines it is well known that there is scarcity of quality material available in English medium, which is in accordance of the new syllabus this is further with reference to the newly introduced topics of the paper.

In view of the above this book is made with a view to support the candidates in their preparation and support the process of quality teacher education and teachers entry in to the schools. As this volume covers the topics of content cum pedagogy of mathematics which is also a part of (DSC, TRT, TTC) View the candidates will make use of it, for their selection and for providing quality teaching learning experiences. This book is very helpful for the teacher educators, who are working in the conventional and distance mode academician’s psychologists as well as teacher trainees and researchers too.

Teacher Education is a dynamic field, innovate thoughts and concepts always enter in the field example the concept of peer teaching, team teaching, program learning or technology based learning, ICT based teaching, using web 2.0 tools, social media, Wikipedia etc. as per the National Education Policy 2020 emphasizes that children experience of school education with outside life of the school. so that learning experience is joyful having had this in mind, several opportunities are provided to students to construct their systematic knowledge by engaging them in activities, experiments, projects, field visits, discussion with students and teachers collecting information from different sources. where the teacher faces challenges in the curriculum. The content in this book is distributed into 5 units namely, Nature and scope importance of mathematics. In this unit the students will be able to understand the

Weight 390 g
Dimensions 24 × 14 × 2 cm


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