We, the authors of this feel cordially happy to produce the book “Career Guidance in Career Information with Educational and Vocational Guidance and Counselling” before diligent teachers, pupil teachers and scholars. As the subject concerned is the essential part of teacher’s training course B. Ed. and M. Ed. curricu- lum determined by the universities of India, the present produced book reveals the facts on “Career Guidance in Career Information”. Besides this, the book is more sourceful in giving the awareness of every topic written according to the determined course.
To keep in view, the following topics have been described in the book as:-
Section: A: Career Guidance in Career Information-(1) Meaning, Aims, Scope of Career and Characteristics, Functions of Career Guidance. (2) Essential Components of Career Information. (3) Vocational, Individual and Social Information. (4) Aims of Study Career Information at Different School Levels. (5) Career Information Sources and Methods of Collection. (6) Career Information: Classification Filling-up and Evaluation. (7) Information about Training Opportunities (Teaching and Train- ing at Primary, Secondary and Higher Level). (8) Personal and Social information [Case Study (Case History) and Social or Sociometric Analysis). (9) Setting up of a Career Resource Centre.
Section: B: Educational Guidance and Counselling-(10) Meaning, Need, Aims, Kinds, Principles and Methods of Guidance and Counselling. (11) Directive and Non-directive Counselling and Vocational Guidance Services in School. etc have been discussed needfully in the book. Although we have tried our best to incorporate the related subject matter sufficiently to make the book most popular and coherent to the students, valuable suggestions from scholars are always required to enrich the book. While covering this book with thoughts, many books by foreign and Indian writers have been consulted, so we are highly grateful to those great and renowned scholars.
In the end, we are cordially grateful to Shri O. P. Parashar the publisher and Shri Ashish Parashar the managing director publication division of Radha Prakashan Mandir, Agra for their valuable suggestions regarding language and other subject matter given in the book. The book has been written under U.G.C. prescribed curriculum belonging to all the Universities of India.
We hope the book will fulfil the needs of every nook and corner of the students. In spite of it, if the readers feel any shortcomings, their valuable suggestions are re-
choired so that new concepts may be added.
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