Re-vitalisation of Teacher Training Programme at national level by increasing the duration of the training period and by revising the syllabi, the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) has come forward with guidelines to update everything. In accordance with the set guidelines, the Universities have prepared the syllabi. The book entitled ‘Learning and Teaching’ is a humble attempt of the authors which covers the prescribed syllabus of MDU, Rohtak and other Universities of Haryana. Simple, easy and understandable language has been used in the book and all through examples from day today life situations are supporting the material. Surely the book is bound to serve the purpose fully for which it has been written.
The authors feel indebted to the Principals, Associate Professors/Assistant Processors of Colleges of Education who have always given applaudable recognition to the books written by them. And above all, the publisher of the book Shri Harvinder Singh deserves special thanks because it is his working day and night which has brought out the book well in time.
Suggestions of any type, for further improvement of the book are cordially invited and the same will be acknowledged with thanks.
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