The book ‘Teaching of Economics’ is designed to provide you with a very comprehensive and easy-to-understand introduction to economics, one way of approaching the steps that need to be taken. It has been written in accordance to the B.Ed syllabus of Indian Universities and will cater to the requirements of students as well as teachers. Candidates aspiring for updating their knowledge about methodology and content course will find this book as a valuable resource. It can be used by classroom teachers, but is also ideally suited to distant learners who may not be confident in their own economics knowledge. The book considers subject matter as a means to pupil growth. The author has freely stated his own views on each question this was inevitable and even necessary. She has taken every care, however, to place the pros and cons in each case before the reader so as to stimulate thought and rouse a spirit of enquiry, and to help him to form an opinion for himself. The purpose of writing this book will be fully served if it satisfies the want which, the author knows, is keenly felt by students and general readers.
With profound reverence, I bow my head before my God, the Almighty, whose invisible hand guided me from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge and made me achieve my most cherished goal. It is due to His blessings that I have been able to get the support and help of all the people around me, leading towards the completion of this important task. The author feels indebted to scores of writers and scholars whose work have been utilized in the preparation of this book. My special thanks to my Parents, who made me believe in my self and kept me motivated. The help rendered by my husband Dr. Rajinder Dhall and his personal involvement for the present work is greatly acknowledged. I also owe a sense of appreciation to my daughter, Priyanshi, who gave me time to do this work. I am grateful for the help and co-operation rendered by all my friends and colleagues. Finally, the author is indebted to all whosoever directly and indirectly has contributed in this thesis work.
A special thanks is due to ‘Twentyfirst Century’ publishers for bringing this book to its final shape. Any suggestion for the improvement will be highly appreciated.
With warm wishes to its readers.
Dr. Shikha Dhall
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