



A Textbook On Language Across the Curriculum

Author: Dr. Jai Bhagwan, Ms. Sarita Ahlawat

ISBN: 97881924703608


A Textbook On Language Across the Curriculum- Dr. Jai Bhagwan and Ms. Sarita Ahlawat


The authors of this book are very versatile and have remarkable personalities in the field of language, literature, and education. They are eminent scholars of language and literature in the teacher-training education system. They have penned various publications in the form of books, articles, and research papers. They also act as facilitators, speakers, and organizers of seminars, Faculty Development Programmes, Workshops, and Conferences. Under their supervision and guidance, thousands of students have occupied various positions in educational institutions of repute in this era of multicultural and cross-cultural environments. They are well versed in the obstacles and hindrances of pupil-teachers. Accordingly, this book is written in such a manner by it will not only enhance the knowledge of pupil-teachers but also be helpful as a ‘stock of knowledge’ for teacher educators. I am really thankful to both the authors (Dr. Jai Bhagwan and Ms. Sarita Ahlawat) for writing A TEXTBOOK ON LANGUAGE ACROSS THE CURRICULUM to meet the requirements of the new curriculum for B.Ed. Program.

Weight 330 g
Dimensions 22 × 14 × 2 cm


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